Mukama yebazibwe!

3 maart 2016 - Mpigi, Oeganda

Dear family, friends and the rest, 

Majority of the people maybe think there is no rain in Africa but while I'm writing this blog there is a lot of rain and thunder, but luckily I sit dry in the bus on our way to church. 

Thanks for all prayers for Uganda because the elections were peaceful, the government shutdown the internet for 3 days to prevent riots who mostly start on social media. 

I'm glad that I'm used as a 'Westlander' to early mornings, because my alarm goes every morning 4.20AM and on Sunday's even more early, but I don't grumble because I love and enjoy every single minute of Watoto 360.

Today we are going for ministry to a remand home for boys without parents and who lived on the streets before they were rescued. We have a visiting-team with us from Norway they are in Uganda for a short time. Today we will encourage the boys when we speak with them, we also will teach them from the Bible and sing some worship songs. It's always amazing to see all the big smiles on the faces when you encourage them! 

Last week we went with our team to a similar remand home but this one was for girls. It was my second time there because last year I also visited this remand with the group from the Netherlands. I preached the word of God and my friend interpreted for me to Luganda because my Luganda is not good enough yet to preach in Luganda haha. One day I will, mukama yebazibwe! I was preaching about faith and used the story of Jesus who calls Peter out of the boat and walk with Him over water. The weather was bad but still Peter trusted Jesus and stepped out of the boat. I referred this to our own lives sometimes we go through a 'stormy season' and than it's that we trust in the Lord because He is always in control! 

I'm so thankful for this adventure here in Uganda I learn a lot and I grow as a person. The most important thing is that I start to discover why God put me here and the plans He has for my future. Thanks a lot for everyone who is praying for me back home, every prayer is most welcome! 

Mukama akume ( may the Lord bless you) 

Lovely greetings from Uganda,

Casper 'Mulangira' 

5 Reacties

  1. Christiny/mama:
    3 maart 2016
    Hi, Mulangira, mooie blog weer, er gebeuren mooie dingen daar!!, hier ook hoor ;) geniet, en creating memory's
    liefs mama
  2. Ada Kieviet:
    3 maart 2016
    Hoi Casper fijn dat je daar zulke mooie dingen mag meemaken. Hopen en bidden voor jou en de anderen dat er daar nog meer mooie dingen mogen gebeuren. Wel vroeg op zeg. Hoop dat je er nog een mooie en veilige tijd mag hebben.
  3. Hilda Eppinga-Hut:
    3 maart 2016
    Gods Woord keert nooit ledig weer, m.a.w. als jij Zijn Woorden spreekt, gaat Hij werken, op wat voor manier ook! Dat is zo gaaf om te weten, en mooi dat je het ziet op de gezichten van de kids. Bemoedigend! (wij hebben iets meer geloof nodig wat dat betreft, want Nederlanders laten het niet zo gauw zien)
  4. Sherwin:
    8 maart 2016
    Hello Casper,
    There are you again , nice to read what for beautiful thing you are doing in Uganda.
    I think and believe that God have a plan with you so thats , the reazon he send you
    to Ugando, to do all the beautiful things you are doing now.
    Keep going , wish you all the best, take care and Gog bless you.

    For now . Bye Bye ,

    Sherwin en Johan.
  5. Bart:
    10 maart 2016
    Hi dude!
    Goed en mooi om te lezen man! Stay strong :) Bless you!