Follow your passion!

1 februari 2016 - Kampala, Oeganda

Dear everybody,

This time I want to write my blog in English because I think that I can reach and encourage more people with my stories when I write in English. What is not easy for me, so forgive me when it is not grammatically correct. (By the way; this is the second time I write this blog, the first time my phone stopped so I can start again from the beginning) (By the way #2; it's better for my English to do it twice)

It's more than a week ago that I wrote my last blog but there is so much going on here that I nearly have time to write my blog. I can't believe it is already February, the time is flying for me..

Last week we finished the subject about Bible history on school, it was a lot of information but it was it all worthy and probably next week we will get a assignment about this subject. The first assignment from last week was good, I answered every question correct.

Last Saturday we had our first ministry, we went to a Living Hope lady in the slums. Living Hope is a ministry of Watoto Church;

Initiated in early 2008, the goal of Living Hope is to restore dignity to vulnerable women in Africa.
Left abandoned or widowed, the target group is HIV+ single women, returnees from abduction into the rebel army in northern Uganda and teenage mothers.

The goal is to restore dignity to these women in the following ways:
• Improving quality of life, assisting them with basic necessities such as food, clothing, shelter and medical care
• Providing comprehensive HIV/AIDS care including counseling and psychosocial support
• Empowering and equipping with vocational skills that will enable them to become productive members of their community
• Setting up self-sustainable, income-generating projects using micro-finance loans
• Spiritual and moral discipleship

It was not my first time in the slums but every time when you visit the slums is different. It's almost impossible to describe the situation there, some people may have seen some images on the television but I can tell you in real life it's so different. Apart from the terrible smell of animals/people, burned trash, feces of animals/people. Most of the people in the slums never saw 'white people' before and especially the little children run to you and screaming 'Mzungu, Mzungu!' what means 'Whites' When we arrived the little, little but I mean really little house of the Living Hope lady I was shocked because my bedroom in the Netherlands is even bigger. It was a All-in-one room (kitchen,living&bedroom) where she was living with her 3 sons plus a babyboy of 7 months while she was abandoned by her husband.
We talked with her and she told us her life story about how Watoto saved her life, the moment she came to Living Hope she learnt how to take care over herself, her children and how to earn some money to pay for the school of her children and buy some food. Next time we will bring her food and clothes and we will share the Word of God with her.

Saturday night we went to the evening service in Watoto Church where pastor Calvin shared a great Word about 'self-leadership' before you can lead a group of people you have to lead yourself. One of the texts he used was from Donovan Bailey; "Follow your passion, be prepared to work hard and sacrifice, and, above all, don't let anyone limit your dreams!"

About dreams.. I wrote in my last blog about the week of prayer and fasting for my future after 360° I believe God really puts a dream in my heart, a desire to follow Him, caring for His people. And today I wrote the scripture that confirms my feeling;
...“Whoever desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me. Mark 8:34 NKJV

...“Anyone who intends to come with me has to let me lead. You’re not in the driver’s seat; I am. Don’t run from suffering; embrace it. Follow me and I’ll show you how. Self-help is no help at all. Self-sacrifice is the way, my way, to saving yourself, your true self. Mark 8:34-35 MSG

I'm willing to follow Him, so maybe I'll come back next year to Uganda if that is God's plan for my life. For now I'll keep praying about that, and all prayers from you are most welcome!

For now.. I'm gonna put on my running shoes and go to the gym..

Mukama akume (God bless you)

7 Reacties

  1. Christiny/mama:
    1 februari 2016
    Wow , in het engels!!!, maaar je moeder kon alles begrijpen hoor!!!, zonder vertaling van buitenaf, heerlijk om te lezen, ik ga zeker in mijn bijbel die tekst straks opzoeken in Markus, nou schat sport maar lekker en weet dat ik onwijs trots op je ben, maar ik mis je ook heel erg, ik zou wel even een vlieg willen zijn om met je mee te kijken in jouw plan!!!
    liefs mama
  2. Adrian:
    1 februari 2016
    So glad to read this Caper.The Lord is surely with you in each and Every step.
    God Bless you
  3. Je (lieve) grote nicht!:
    1 februari 2016
    Lieve Casper,
    Wat gaaf dat ik op deze manier al je verhalen kan volgen! Heerlijk om te zien wat je allemaal meemaakt, leert en kan betekenen voor deze mensen! Ik kijk nu al uit naar je volgende! (Al leest het Nederlandse voor mij wel wat lekkerder weg hahahaha!)
    Enjoy! Geef de lieve mensen een dikke knuffel!

    Have fun xxxxx
  4. Ada Kieviet:
    1 februari 2016
    Hoi Casper stoer hoor zo in het Engels en wat maakt het uit of er een foutje inzit of niet. Fijn om te lezen hoe jou droom werkelijkheid word en hoe je Gods hand hierin ervaart.
    we kijken uit naar je volgende reisblog. Pas goed op jezelf en in gedachten en gebed bij ons.
    groeten van Peter en Ada (ook de groeten van oma en Samantha)
  5. Hilda Eppinga-Hut:
    1 februari 2016
    you're improving! Keep on going! We are proud of you, you represent us and our compassion!
  6. Arianne:
    4 februari 2016
    Ha lieve neef... ook ik ben heel trots op jou! Super wat je allemaal vanuit je geloof kan doen en betekenen voor de mensen daar.
    Succes met alles..hoor!
    Een lieve groet van ons allemaal!
  7. Sherwin:
    4 februari 2016
    Hi Casper,
    From out holland Hello There Hope everything is ok with you
    Haha haha ik vond het bijzonder jou reisverhaal in het engels goed gedaan
    Wij zijn ook trots op jou je doet vanuit jou geloof goede zaken en helpen
    ook mensen in nood chapooo ga zo door
    Take care and God Bless you

    Sherwin en Johan